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2024年上学期杨怀瑜必修三第三单元B1 of Reading 教学阐述

2024年05月07日 16:00:42 来源:网校空间 访问量:13

2024年上学期杨怀瑜必修三阅读部分 B1教学阐述

一.Teaching aims

1. Help the students to know about the guidelines on how to live in the digital world.

2. Deal with the new words, phrases and sentences in B1 of Reading in Unit 3 of Book 3 to build the language.

3. Develop the students self-learning, research and co-operation abilities.

二. Teaching important points

1. Vocabulary related with the usages of the Internet

2. New words related to this part in the word list and their usages.

3. Phrases in this part.

4. Some important complicated sentences.

三.Teaching ideas

Before the new lesson , I asked the students a question What can we do on the Internet?, and make a list of what people do on the Internet to lead in the topic of the lesson  Proper online Behaviour. Because I had assigned the students to preview the passage, after entering the

passage, I just checked the answers and asked the students to divide the passage into parts and tell the main idea of each part by asking some individual students to say out their answers.The main task of this passage is to build their language. So I started with the new words, then the phrases and then sentences, By reading and finishing the tasks given on the screen , the students were supposed to be able to memorize the meanings of the words, phrases and sentences but also master the usages of them. In the process, they were also asked to research and co-operate with each other. Finally, they were asked to do some consolidation exercises.and presentation.

四. Reflection

 I chose too many phrases, which took too much time . As a result, I had no time to have the students do the consolidation exercises. In this section, there will be a group work and students presentations. I have to finish this section in the next period.

四.Fellow teachers comments







 2024年上学期杨怀瑜必修三阅读部分 B1教学阐述

一.Teaching aims

1. Help the students to know about the guidelines on how to live in the digital world.

2. Deal with the new words, phrases and sentences in B1 of Reading in Unit 3 of Book 3 to build the language.

3. Develop the students self-learning, research and co-operation abilities.

二. Teaching important points

1. Vocabulary related with the usages of the Internet

2. New words related to this part in the word list and their usages.

3. Phrases in this part.

4. Some important complicated sentences.

三.Teaching ideas

Before the new lesson , I asked the students a question What can we do on the Internet?, and make a list of what people do on the Internet to lead in the topic of the lesson Proper online Behaviour. Because I had assigned the students to preview the passage, after entering the

passage, I just checked the answers and asked the students to divide the passage into parts and tell the main idea of each part by asking some individual students to say out their answers.The main task of this passage is to build their language. So I started with the new words, then the phrases and then sentences, By reading and finishing the tasks given on the screen , the students were supposed to be able to memorize the meanings of the words, phrases and sentences but also master the usages of them. In the process, they were also asked to research and co-operate with each other. Finally, they were asked to do some consolidation exercises.and presentation.

4  Reflection

I chose too many phrases, which took too much time . As a result, I had no time to have the students do the consolidation exercises. In this section, there will be a group work and students presentations. I have to finish this section in the next period.

4Fellow teachers comments













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